Chorus Planned Scheduled Maintenance
Start Date and Time: 22/08/24 04:00
End Date and Time: 23/08/24 17:00
Service Affected: Fibre Broadband
Area/s Affected: Auckland: Manurewa
Outage Duration: 5 Minutes
Event Description:
Planned Chorus Network maintenance and upgrades commencing during this time period. While not all customers will be directly impacted by the changes, some customers may have services connected to a service that is being worked on.
If you are having issues connecting after 23/08/24 17:00, please reboot your modem if your service is still down. Thanks for your patience.
Start Date and Time: 23/08/24 22:00
End Date and Time: 26/08/24 06:00
Service Affected: Fibre Broadband
Area/s Affected: Auckland: Ellerslie
Outage Duration: 480 Minutes
Event Description:
Planned Chorus Network maintenance and upgrades commencing during this time period. While not all customers will be directly impacted by the changes, some customers may have services connected to a service that is being worked on.
If you are having issues connecting after 26/08/24 06:00, please reboot your modem if your service is still down. Thanks for your patience.